Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Who Do You Have to Thank for Motorcycle Helmets?

In part, Sir Hugh William Bell Cairns, a British neurosurgeon. He was a neurosurgeon who treated T.E. Lawrence after Lawrence's fatal crash in 1935. That experience sparked Cairns's research on head protection for motorcyclists.


  1. And the Rolls of Rolls-Royce was killed in 1907 when, before the days of seat belts, he was thrown up while flying and had his skull punctured by a bolt protruding down above the pilot's seat. The Rolls-Royce badge had been red. Thereafter, it was black in his memory.

  2. And still there are states in the US where helmets are not compulsory.
    Praise Darwin ;-)

  3. This summer, in upstate NY, a boatload of motorcyclists held a "protest ride" and rode without theirhelmets.

    One of the riders crashed his bike, hit his head and died.

    Darwin at work.

  4. Stu
    If you have nothing to put inside you don't need a helmet.


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