Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Star Trek- Star Wars, Shatner Brings the Smackdown

Thing is, though, Shatner has a point. There are eleven Star Trek movies. When you add up the original series (79 episodes), the animated series (22 episodes) TNG (178 episodes), DS9 (176 episodes), Voyager (172 episodes) and Enterprise (98 episodes), that's a shitload of screen time.

Star Wars has six movies at its core, six other movies, most of which were made for television, and several animated series: Droids (13 episodes),Ewoks (26 episodes), Clone Wars (25 episodes), and The Clone Wars (88 episodes, 20 didn't air). One of the TV movies, the Star Wars Holiday Special, only aired once and was never released again.

There's really no comparison. Shatner has the right of it.

(But what is with that t-shirt?)

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