Thursday, September 29, 2011

Outsourcing the Operation of Concentration Camps

While I am aware that the title of this post skirts Godwin's Law, the analogy is apt. For private prison companies, especially in the area of detaining unlawful immigrants, have been operating prisons that are little more than brutal concentration camps.

Inhuman treatment, including locking prisoners into closed vans on hot days and not providing them with water. Poor food. Lengthy detentions in solitary confinement. Lack of competent medical care, or any medical care.

The goons doing this include the GEO Group, which detains thousands of immigrants in this country, a Brit-Danish conglomerate called, cryptically, G4S, and Serco Group, plc,  a company whose governing principles have nothing to do with either ethics or humanity.* And yes, CCA is also playing this game. of warehousing detainees.

The companies love this because few people care what happens to unlawful immigrants. They don't have families that can vote or protest. Their families aren't in the country, so they can't hire lawyers or buttonhole politicians.

The real surprise is why isn't Blackwater Xe or Halliburton/KBR involved in this racket. It would seem to be a natural for them.
*But they proudly support the Annapolis Opera, which might soothe their consciences.


  1. In a sane world, once the suggestion of privately-operated prisons was voiced, the offender would be squeezed through a human-sized garlic press.

    Failing that, you'd think that rules would be set up so that for every bruise and unhealthy pound of flesh lost (or gained) by the prisoners during their stay would incur a monetary penalty to the holding company.

    Rapes and deaths would be EXTREMELY expensive. Essentially, ruinous for the corporation.

    That's in a sane world. In our world, no one even thought to raise the point that abuse and slaughter would be financially attractive.

  2. KBR actually is building a lot of these private gulags but isn't interested in running them -- too much legal liability.

    Xe wants to keep its people as far away from U.S. law enforcement agencies as possible. I wonder why. Huh.

    - Badtux the Attentive Penguin

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