Friday, September 2, 2011

If You Are Muslim and Live in New York City..... can be pretty certain that the NYPD, with the assistance of the CIA, has been keeping tabs on you.

And it's not just within the New York City limits, for the NYPD's little domestic spook operation has been operating in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and, for as far as we know, Michigan.

Sure, there are some Constitutional issues about the NYPD monitoring people just because of their religion and/or ethnicity. And of course, there is a pesky law about the CIA conducting operations on American soil, but we all know how much the Bush and Obama Administrations care about that shit.

Note that the FBI was not playing in this and that they expressly forbade their agents from either taking part or receiving information from the NYPD's spy brigade. It's worth remembering that the FBI refused to play the torture game with CIA for the same reasons as here: This shit's illegal as all get out and eventually, there will be some blowback.

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