Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Horse Left the Barn a Long Time Ago

The New London Day is going to start charging non-subscribers for digital access.

Good luck with that. The "News is Free Online" horse left the barn fifteen years ago. There are too many places to get state, national, world, business, sports and fashion news for free, now. For a local newspaper, the only way that a paid-digital feature will work is that if there are enough people far enough away who cannot subscribe to the paper edition, but who want to keep up with the local news, so they'll buy the digital edition.

Guess we'll see how it works for them. My bet would be that it won't, that there will be few people willing to pony up for a digital edition. Either the digital readership will crash, so the paper loses that ad revenue, or whose with ties to the region will glom onto the login data of a local friend or relative, so they'll still see it for free. I'll be surprised if they pull in more than a couple of grand a month doing this.

1 comment:

  1. Meh. The Day was fish wrapper twenty-odd years ago when I lived in the Groton area. I doubt that its actual information content has improved since.


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