Saturday, September 24, 2011

The "Elected" Tsar

Tsar Vladimir the Fourth.
Vladimir Putin said Saturday he'll run for Russia's presidency in 2012, almost certainly ensuring he'll retake the office he previously held and likely foreshadowing years more of a strongman rule that many in the West have called a retreat from democracy.
The chances are greater that Putin will be hit with falling space debris than he'd lose the 2012 election.


  1. The sad thing is that even in the unlikely event of a free and fair election (in Putin's Russia? HAH!), there's still a considerable likelihood that Putin would get the 50%+1 votes needed to be re-elected President. Russians seem to have a love affair with strongman rule. Sucks to be a believer in rule of law in Russia, sigh...

    - Badtux the Not-Russian Penguin
    (Who, however, knows a few Russians).

  2. I was recently in Leningrad/St. Petersburg/Putinburg, it is a wonder what they have done with concrete, but that is another story. Of the individuals that I had contact with most if not all still rather taken with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. How much of that is from fear of the FSB/KGB/NKVD,is unknown, but you get the point.

    Rule of Law in Russia, one must be kidding. Numerous large black SUV with and without official plates, with police and private security escorts pushing through the traffic.

    Number of times I observed police asking for papers, was such that I ran out of fingers and toes. It appeared that if one looked Muslim they police were very interested in who you are, and what you were doing.

    As before merchants would rather I pay in Euro or Dollars, rather than Ruble, or as one merchant called the Rubble.

  3. Bryan has the ultimate snark on this one: "To prove that he’s not a dictator, Putin never allows the vote totals to be published until after the election takes place."

    Heh. Yeah, the vote total has been pre-determined even though it's probably not necessary, just on general principles. The FSB has to keep in practice, I guess ;).

    - Badtux the Outsnarked Penguin

  4. Former NSA dude, Soviet bureau. Speaks/reads Russian, still has contacts Over There, still reads the Russian media occasionally (in the native language, not in translation), occasionally outsnarks me (oh well ;).

  5. Ah. Interesting blog, I'll have to spend a bit of time there.

    Thanks for the steer.


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