Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How to Make a Terrific Hamburger in Three Easy Steps

1. Seal the patty in a plastic bag and soak it in hot water (130degF) for 30 minutes.

2. Remove the patty from the bag and dip in liquid nitrogen for 30 seconds.

3. Deep-fry the patty (oil at 450degF) for sixty seconds.

Easy-peasy, if you happen to have a container of LN2 in your pantry.

(No, I am not kidding.)


  1. OK, that's cool. I prefer the America's Test Kitchen receipt, but that's pretty damn cool.

  2. Okay, but where do you get the container of liquid nitrogen? I don't remember seeing that item at my local Safeway. Come to think of it, I don't think that either Lowe's or Home Depot has that in stock. Hmmmm......maybe this is why I don't do much gourmet cooking.

  3. Hmmmm. So if you get a grease fire in the deep fryer and you pure liquid nitrogen in it, what happens then?

  4. I saw that. Looks like fun, and I'd be tempted to try it if I still ate beef.

    Here's a source for a liquid nitrogen cannister anyway. Maybe not the most appetizing used equipment, but it is cattle related.

  5. Having worked with Ln2 I can say there is cold and then Liquid Nitrogen!

    Obtainable at your local welding and industrial gas supplier. You only need a 2L dewar for days of fun.



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