Saturday, May 28, 2011

While the Banksters Sleep Soundly In Their Beds

The sleep well because they are largely safe. But while the banksters sleep on their pillaged gains, the Feds are going after people who download shit.

This effort is being led by one of the most Constitution-free law law enforcement agencies around: Immigration and Customs Enforcement. ICE is better known for operating "black-hole" prisons, where people who ICE suspect of being here illegally simply disappear for months, often without adequate medical care. If someone they detain has a medical condition, that can be a death sentence.

Going after kids who download music is easy pickings, compared to going after the banksters. Add to that the point that a lot of the people who will be happy by such actions are likely donors to the "Re-elect Barry" campaign and this makes even more sense.

1 comment:

  1. I like to think that the feds live in pants-shitting fear that one day they'll accidentally arrest and charge the kid of somebody very wealthy.


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