Thursday, August 26, 2010


A friend of mine is going to have her floors refinished.

I am going to have two guest cats. That will mean for a week or so, I will have five cats here.

I must be certifiable.


  1. You were certifiable with just the first three.

  2. If you have one cat, you have one cat.
    If you have two cats, well, the first cat needed some company while you were at work, that's all.
    If you have three cats, people start looking at you oddly.
    If you have five cats, you're that crazy cat lady down the street.

    Sorry, EBM. That's just how the kitty tumbles :).

    - Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin
    (Word verification: catera)

  3. LOL, well, if you aren't now, you will be soon!

  4. Perhaps a snorkel is in order, to prevent a fuzzy nighttime asphyxiation.


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