Monday, August 9, 2010

"The Laws of Physics Are a Liberal Plot"

According to Conservapedia, the Theory of Relativity is a liberal conspiracy to divert people away from the Bible.

Really. This is what conservative thought has come to?

Pay no attention to that whirring sound in the background, it is only William F. Buckley spinning in his grave. He ought to be up to 18,000rpm by now.


  1. Ah yes, science. Didn't you know that science, in general, is inherently a liberal conspiracy to divert people away from the Bible? Sheesh! Get with the program! What has science ever done for us, anyhow? Other than, well, planes, computers, communication satellites, cars, hot and cold running water upon demand, indoor plumbing, modern medicine, y'know, unimportant stuff?!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  2. This is where conservatism has always been. Remember Galileo?


  3. Conservative and religion in one sentence has lead to the death, torture
    and other bad things for far to many to enumerate. In fact the other word that
    contrasts with religion is reason.

    Clear failure of critical thinking.


  4. Yes, and prayer healing works every fucking time.

  5. If William F is going to keep spinning like that can we hook him up to a generator?

  6. Of course it's not conservative thought it's know nothing luddite thought, and the more they continiue to not think think that way the better for those who understand the scientific method and live in the real world, these folk are on the loosing side of history,but they will cause a lot of trouble before they go


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