Sunday, June 20, 2010

Yet Another Lying Bit of Fear-Mongering From the GOP

The Republican Party has specialized in baseless fear-mongering for decades. Their latest bit is "zOMG!!1!, Teh Illegal Aliens Will Kill Us In Our Bedz!!1"[1]

Turns out when the FBI looked at the crime statistics, for the border region of Arizona, it's just not true. Not that the truth will matter a shit to the Teabaggers and the party of Hoover. Nope, not in the slighest.

[1]Any apparent similarity between the Republicans' screaming about "immigrants causing crimes" and the anti-Catholic hysteria of the 19th Century and the dog-whistling of the Republicans' racist "Southern Strategy" is purely coincidental, and you should be deeply ashamed of yourself for believing that the GOP is a party based largely on racism and bigotry. {snork}


  1. Given the demographics of the hardest-core GOP activists and the percentage of Latin Americans who are at least nominally Catholic, I'm not sure the old anti-Catholic hysteria is dead. Buried, maybe, but not entirely dead.

    (Obligatory disclosure: my own affiliation varies from feral Catholic to de facto humanist, depending on what god-awfulness the bishops have most recently been caught at.)

  2. Oh, I think there's violence. Just not the kind Lou Dobbs wants us to know about.


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