Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tea Party Candidates are Such Fragile Flowers

They cannot handle questions from reporters. All questions have to be submitted in writing and be pre-screened by their staffs to make sure that the delicate sensibilities of the Teabagging candidates are not offended.

Because they might get the vapours and faint. Or say something stupid.

Why do they hate freedom?


  1. fragile as already-elected Congresspeople like Etheridge (D-NC), it would seem.

  2. Yeah, or that last guy who was president who had protesters confined to "free speech zones" in the next time zone from where he was speechifying.

    Arrogant fuckery isn't confined to any one party. But I find it really amusing that it is the teabaggers, the self-proclaimed "pro-Constitution" politicians that are engaging in this type of fuckery.

  3. They grew up listening to Rush Limbaugh's style of "dialog" where the dude asking the questions has all these statistics and factoids about incredibly obscure historical situations that vaguely support the questioner's agenda, that the interviewee will say "I have no idea what the context for that was and can't give you a good answer" and come off sounding like an ignorant idiot -- just as the interviewer intends -- and they know they're now ripe for the same treatment because they're on the interviewee end of the stick.
    I can't blame them for not wanting to be taken advantage of, but it doesn't seem like a level playing field.


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