Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How Much Did The Lawyers Bill For That Letter?

ThinkGeek had an April's Fools advertisement for canned unicorn meat. They called it "the new white meat".

The National Pork Board had their crackerjack lawyers send a lengthy "cease and desist" letter, claiming trademark infringement.



  1. Montag said "boy, what stupid lawyers!" But as you point out, Faeger & Benson got to charge billable hours to their client for sending out a C&D regarding a mythical creature's canned meat. That takes cajones the size of Texas, billing your client for a C&D for something like that. Who says they're not smart? Ethical, well, no. Smart? Just add up the dollars and cents, yo!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  2. Tux, the action was initiated by the client and the lawyers would have better served their client by advising to ignore a one time satirical use. Directing a C&D at a popular website only arouses the vindictive nature of the web, resulting in ridicule, scorn and potential brand damage for no gain. If the client still chooses to send the letter, that does not a smart lawyer make. If they failed to advise the client, as the alleged reaction of the lawyers indicates, that is a stupid lawyer. And the National Piggy Board would have reason to change law firms.

  3. The thing is, though, that it also puts Faeger & Benson as a pack of idiots, if not a firm that churns to ratchet up its fees.


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