Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Conservatives Around the World

It seems that they all hate freedom of speech, at least when what is being talked about is something that they disagree with. In Japan, the conservatives have used threats of violence to scare theaters from not showing "The Cove."

Different country's wingnuts, same old shit.


  1. So Japan doesn't want citizens to see slaughter of dolphins? Like America doesn't want to see Christians being murderous thugs in "Agora"? That kind of wingnut de jour?

  2. The article is careful to note how small the far-right movement is in Japan - and it's true. Since the 1950s they've been very small but very vocal, and often get their way only because they promise intermittent violence, which scares the bejeezus out of the average Japanese citizen.

    And anyway, what's the big problem with high mercury levels in fish? Think how much larger the ones you catch would be on a hot day!


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