Saturday, May 15, 2010

It's Better to Be On the Ground, Wishing You Were Flying, Than to Be Flying, Wishing You Were On the Ground

Strong winds and flying over the hills of western MA and southern VT & NH to KLEB. When I tuned into the various Unicoms, hardly a peep. No surprise there, it was like riding inside of a dryer at times.

My stomach will eventually catch up to me.


  1. Corollary:
    Cars that won't start
    are better than
    cars that won't stop

  2. T/J Please pass the word on.... I miss the cranky lit prof. Hope she's not having any trouble.

  3. Jeff, the Cranky Prof is OK. She just found it necessary to take down her blog.

  4. Don't miss flying on days like that.

    Trying to reach the panel and I can't get my hand on the right knob without jamming my hand against it and spider-walking my hand to the right knob...

    One of my student cross countries I had a 22° crab angle. Fortunately, it wasn't too bumpy.

  5. I had a pretty hefty crab angle, but with the amount of bouncing around I was doing at times, it was hard to tell. It was probably close to 25deg.


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