Sunday, May 16, 2010

I Don't Think That Word Means What You Think It Means

I had lunch with my mother yesterday in a restaurant in her town. Seated at the next table over were a gaggle of young women in their late teens to early 20s. I overheard a conversation that went like this:

Girl 1: "My boyfriend and I spent last weekend at his family's house!"

Girl 2: "How it'd go?"

G1: "It went well. They even gave me a nickname!"

G2: "What is it?"

G1: "They nicknamed me `the Shiksa'! We were having dinner and his mother asked `would the Shiksa like some mashed potatoes' and I said `yes, please, I'd love some.'"

I had to work hard to stifle laughter. It's probably clear that she hadn't bothered to google her new nickname, for she might not have been so pleased by it.


  1. i see trouble under the chupa

  2. If it even gets that far. But if it does, that's the sort of thing that doesn't get forgotten.

  3. Could be worse. I knew a guy who got the nickname "tuchis-punim."

  4. Yikes. If she ever figures out exactly what the implications of that "nickname" are, it will be ON.

    (Biscotta will often pinch her own cheeks and say, Look at my wittle punim!")


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