Friday, May 28, 2010

Attention, Gulf Coast Teabaggers! (Especially You, Govs. Jindal & Barbour)

How are those lines of "we don't want anything from the Federal government" and "drill, baby, drill" and "regulations stifle businesses" and "zOMG, socialism" working out for you, now?

Florida panhandle beaches not on top ten list this year.

Gulf Coast hotels are slashing rates to try and hold onto their bookings. Where the oil is coming ashore, the tourists have disappeared.

BP, whether by accident or design, is poisoning the fisherman that have joined the cleanup efforts.

Seafood prices are going up and may go much higher.

Summer home rentals on the Florida gulf coast are down by 80% and nearly a quarter of the Gulf of Mexico is now off-limits to fishermen.

A strong hurricane in the Gulf could blow the oil ashore and well inland.

Yeah, the party of Hoover's mantras "business doesn't need regulation" and "Federal oversight of business stifles innovation" have worked out really well.


  1. There ya go picking on da stupids!
    How did they know their stupidity was going to come back and bite 'em in the ass. I think they need to earn the help they are going to get from you and me.

  2. Every time I hear Jindal I remember the disdain with which he viewed volcano monitoring. As if his little disaster in any way compares to what a volcano can do...


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