Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Two Sides of the Immigration Debate

Two people recently a "point-counterpoint" style opinion pieces in a paper in North Carolina. The pieces were written by the local party chairmen for Moore County.

Here is one side, which started out with this batshit screed:
With the president's new entitlement spending spree, the United States has completed its economic -transition based upon three important items of "change": (1) the import of illegal immigrants, (2) the export of factory jobs and (3) the guarantee of unlimited social welfare for those unemployed by the previous two.
The other side started out rationally:
Ours is a nation of immigrants. That’s what we’re told from our earliest years in grade school. The vast majority of Americans are descended from those who came (voluntarily or not) from other continents.
It shouldn't be too hard to figure out which opinion piece was written by the Democratic chairman and which was written by the Republican.

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