Thursday, April 29, 2010

Three Weeks to "Everyone Draw Mohammed Day"

Unless you're living in a cave in North Waziristan, you have probably heard that Comedy Central censored an episode of South Park after a radical Muslim group (headquartered in NYC) issued a veiled threat to have the creators of the show killed. The issuer of the threat is some punk-ass douchebag of a kid from Fairfax County, Virginia named Zachary Chesser (hereinafter referred to as "al-Douchie"), who also posted address information for Comedy Central and the production company for South Park.

Jon Stewart had a few things to say last week:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
South Park Death Threats
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

In response to the threats issued by al-Douchie, an artist issued this cartoon:

and suggested that on May 20th, everybody draw something representing the prophet Mohammed.

I'll spare you the exposition of freedom of speech and all that, I'm still recovering from a bug. I'll instead just quote Jon Stewart: "I say this to anyone who is threatening death in the name of religion or politics-- Go Fuck Yourself."

Freedom of speech is a core American value. Without that freedom, all of the rest don't really matter that much. Let's all stand up for it on May 20th.


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