Monday, April 12, 2010

Operation Canned Meat

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that Nation A quietly purchased a few of the Club-K type of containerized missile systems. Say that they painted the container in the colors of any one of the larger container shipping outfits, making the launcher indistinguishable from 100,000 other containers.

Then they ship it to Nation B. From the territory of that nation, either the container fires its load and the missiles strike (a) Nation C, triggering a war that Nation A would like to see fought; (b) Nation A, providing the justification for a war that Nation A is well prepared to win; or (c) Nation B, thereby carrying out a possibly untraceable attack.

You could probably write a technothriller about any of those scenarios. Put a Dick Cheney-like figure in charge of Nation A and you've got a novel that will almost write itself.

1 comment:

  1. I seem to remember, back when I was in ('80 - '86), the Soviets had a truck-mounted version that we were all worried about.


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