Friday, February 26, 2010

When Powerful Men Beat the Shit Out of Their Girlfriends

Yesterday, we learned that NY Governor David Paterson and the State Police intervened to quash a domestic violence case against one of his top lackeys.

Following that story breaking, Denise E. O’Donnell, a former federal prosecutor who is/was the criminal justice aide to the governor, quit her job in protest, as she apparently knew nothing about what was going on and was suitably pissed off.

It has also come out that the statie who pressured the victim to drop her complaint was the commander of the governor's protective detail:
Two people briefed on the matter said that Maj. Charles Day, the head of the governor’s security detail, personally contacted her. Such a step is unusual, former and current state officials said, given Major Day’s high position within the department and the fact that the State Police had no jurisdiction in the matter.
Fucking lovely. There is still no indication that the alleged perpetrator, Paterson aide David Johnson, has been suspended, asked to resign or been fired.

Beyond that, this whole scandal is one more example of a New York governor allegedly using the state cops as a personal political goon squad. I'm not a big fan of political independent police brass; J. Edgar Hoover was a prime example of how that can go wrong. But something needs to be done to provide/impose/inflict independent oversight on the New York State Police security detail to the governor.

UPDATE: MSNBC reports that Paterson is dropping his election bid.

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