Thursday, February 25, 2010

When a 6'7" Man Beats Up a Woman....

He should be staked out for the fire ants. He should not be able to enlist the governor of his state to help him quash the ensuing court case.

But that's just what allegedly recently happened in New York, where Governor Paterson allegedly called the victim and where the state police allegedly pressured the victim to drop the case. This went on even though, when a state senator beat up his girlfriend, the governor outraged that the senator's aides tried to pressure the victim in that case to drop the matter.

Part of this is an old game in New York. If you're a powerful politician and you have a brush with the law that doesn't result in an excessive number of corpses, the cops will help make it go all away for you.


  1. Sorta like Louisiana North, eh?

  2. Welcome to NY, have a nice day. The NY State government is the most useless administrative body ever devised by humankind.

  3. Fixer, Molly Ivins had close to the same view of the Texas legislature.

    NY has too much government. There needs to be a serious look at abolishing the county legislatures for starters.


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