Sunday, February 21, 2010

Blackwater 61

A Blackwater flight slammed into a mountain in Afghanistan in 2004, killing all aboard.

60 Minutes is running a story about it. Blackwater tried to blame one of the passengers, an Army lieutenant colonel, whose widow sued them.

Blackwater settled the case after CBS News filmed their interviews (but not with Blackwater, who refused).

Watch CBS News Videos Online


  1. Typical crash- lousy pilot habits, box canyon, etc. It's what you expect from a guy who gets a couple of dozen hours a year in his GA plane, then tries flying IFR through the Cascades in the winter.

    You don't expect it from so-called "professional" pilots. Sad.

    (Seattle Center controller here.)

  2. Paul, I was going to reply, but the subject of mountain flying is worth its own post.

  3. ::::head desk::::Good Gods. I hat-tipped and re=posted on my blog; what outrageous nerve Blackwater has to just go forth with 'business as usual' with their hands in taxpayers' pockets. With their record of killing our own, I'm surprised they don't have a funeral home subsidiary.


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