Wednesday, November 25, 2009

So Pretty, And Yet, So Stupid

Dana Perino: "We did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush's term."

Does somebody want to give her a ticket to the observation deck of the World Trade Center, so that she can refresh her memory? Or does she think that someone other than George W. Bush received the Presidential Daily Brief in August of 2001 that said "Bin Ladin Determined to Attack U.S.", perhaps? Maybe it was Al Gore who was reading an upside-down copy of "My Pet Goat" with a class of small children when the World Trade Center was hit?

I am giving her the benefit of the doubt by assuming that she has suffered some sort of drain-bamage. A worse assumption would be that she is taking part in some Wingnut plan to white-wash the Bush presidency.



  1. And let's not forget the anthrax attack. But a mentally deranged shrink who wanted to commit suicide is a dangerous terrorist that was known as a nut while Bush was president and threatened all that is American because of Obama's softness on terror. Got it.

  2. Way too stupid to be given a job by Obama. Sheez!

  3. Well, there's no possible way anyone could remember the actual date of 9/11, is there?

  4. And let's get something else clear: the attack on Fort Hood was not terrorism. Terrorism is the use of violence (and the threat of violence) to get people to change their beliefs or behavior.

    If Hannity thinks that you can change the US Army's beliefs by threatening to kill them, he should go down to Texas and say that to their faces.


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