Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Douchebag of the Week

The winner is Governor David Patterson (D) of New York. His idea to help close the state budget gap is to force every motorist in the state to buy new license plates for $25.

There is no need to re-issue license plates. This is just an extra tax on New Yorkers, a tax that is estimated to haul in more than $100 million. Shit, why not charge $50 or $100; if you're going to fuck people over, why not just go ahead and do it in a really ballsy manner, you putz!


  1. Shit honet, welcome to my world, We here in WA state have been dealing with that for about fifteen fucking years.

    Every couple of tears, ya gotta go get yer vehicle sniffed, fifteen for that, if ya pass, then ya go go get tags and they tell ya ya gotta get new plates.
    Another fifteen bucks, on top of the fifty fucking bucks for the tags AND, that is if you have a car.
    They charge by the pound and hauling capacity for pick ups. We had a One Ton truck at work that was licensed for Twenty Six Thousand Pounds, it hauled big goose necked trailers with giant pumps on it.
    It cost three hundred and seventy five dollars A YEAR, for tags!

    Get ready for it.

    Quite the scam, I can't believe it took the fuckers so long to catch on.

  2. insert a couple of "Y"s in that last comment.

  3. This is nothing new, his predecessor George Pataki did the same thing. He gave the design contract to the daughter of one of his buddies while she was still in RSDI. And he gave us all 8 year license renewals so the front loaded fees would make his budgets look good. Here in the Empire State, none of our emperors have any new ideas.


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