Monday, November 23, 2009

Braaaaains and Jesus

(File under "Blasphemy Я Us")

Update: You have to see this, too.

(I'd give a H/T, but the person involved does not want to be publicly named. )


  1. That picture is somewhat unnervingly like a dream I had a few years ago. And now? It does rather remind me of what the Dominionists and Christian Identity folks do with religion.

  2. Ghouls eating the body of Christ. Yeah, that sounds like the current "Christian" churches, alright. If they actually abided by the teachings of their supposed "Savior" I wouldn't mind so much. But of course they don't -- they are ghouls feasting on a corpse, not followers of said corpse. If preachers and priests had to work for a living in a real job that actually produces something rather than feasting on the corpse of their "Savior" I might feel a bit different about it, but honey, if you don't do anything productive except blather about your "Savior"? Well, that dress you're wearin' don't make ya any less a ghoul, "Father".

    - Badtux the "Organized Religion Sucks" Penguin


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