Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Too Close to Be Humor?

The Onion:
KABUL, AFGHANISTAN— According to sources at the Pentagon, American quagmire-building efforts continued apace in Afghanistan this week, as the geographically rugged, politically unstable region remained ungovernable, death tolls continued to rise, and the grim military campaign persisted as hopelessly as ever.

In fact, many government officials now believe that the United States and its allies could be as little as six months away from their ultimate goal: the total quagmirification of Afghanistan.
"Quagmirification." That's a word that sounds like something out of "Firefly".


  1. Definitely. That's right up there with "morbid and creepifying" and "corpsified and gross."

  2. This one is right up there with the famous "Nightmare of peace and prosperity at an end!" one from right after the Chimperor was elected err selected back in 2000. You wonder whether The Onion has their own private Tardis that they take for brief rides into the future, then bump back to the present to describe what they saw.

    - Badtux the "Crystal Ball?" Penguin


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