Friday, October 16, 2009

The Second Most Unfavorable Place to Fight a War in Asia

According to a letter written by Senator Richard Russell in 1966, the second most unfavorable place to fight a war in Asia was Vietnam. He was against the war.

In his view, the most unfavorable place to fight a war in Asia was Afghanistan.


  1. The Russians confirmed that in the '80s -- and their rules of engagement and moral restraints were a Hell of a lot more lax than ours.

    If the USSR got its arse soundly handed to them, what made us think we were different?

  2. I know, I've written about this.

    If there was a time when a favorable outcome was possible in Afghanistan, that was at least three years ago, maybe five years ago. All we are doing now, and all we can do now, at the cost of billions of dollars and thousands of lives, is put in place a pale imitation of a national government that will give us a fig leaf to cover our withdrawal.

    We are so screwed.


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