Monday, September 28, 2009

When the Republicans Bleat About "Appeasement" and How We "Have to Confront Evil Regimes"

When they do that, it is worth keeping in mind that the political party that was most adamant about *not* confronting Nazi Germany as World War II got underway was the Republican party.

It is worthwhile to remember that well into the onset of American participation in the Second World War, the Republican stalwarts were calling it "Mr. Roosevelt's War." A majority of Republicans in the House and the Senate opposed the Selective Service Act of 1940. The Lend-Lease Act of 1941 was enacted largely along party lines, with most Republicans voting against it. If I recall correctly, President Roosevelt structured the "Destroyers for bases" deal specifically to avoid having to put the issue before Congress and incur the wrath of the GOP.

That GOP attitude against the Second World War carried into the 1970s, until Bob Dole was slapped down hard by public opinion for referring to the Second World War as one of the "Democrat wars" during the vice-presidential debate with Walter Mondale in 1976. By then, WWII had become "the good war", in contrast to the fucked-up war (Vietnam) and it became political folly to criticize American involvement.

Republicans would just love it if everyone conveniently forgot that their attitude towards Nazi Germany was to turn their backs on the war as not their problem. If there was a party of appeasement in the 1930s and up until Germany declared war on December 11th, 1941, it was the Grand Old Party.


  1. But the Corporate Media won't bring that shit up.

    So we rely on bloggers like you to do the heavy lifting regarding the reporting of actual facts.

    Thanks EB.

  2. The rock-ribbed Republican Chicago Tribune was one of the virulent anti-war newspapers back then. They even printed that the Navy had broken the Japanese code, which would have been a devastating security leak if the Japanese had had any spies in the Chicago area.

    (Fortunately, they did not.)

  3. During the Vietnam war, we were largely going after the Democratic status-quo guys.

    Look at the 68 Dem Nat Convention shit that went down.

    Both parties have their share of war-mongering fuckwits.

  4. But that was yesterday's Republican Party. This is the new Republican Party, which combines the worst of both of the old Democratic and Republican parties to become a party of racist war-mongering assholes who spurt all over their undies over the thought of dead brown children in some foreign land. Yeah yeah, they spout nonsense about "appeasement" and bullshit like that, but really, it's the thought of killing brown people that gives them woodies so fucking long that they gotta get custom pants tailored for them, or would if their dicks were more than an inch long fully erect anyhow...

    I am the Rude Kitty, and I have meowed.


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