Thursday, September 10, 2009

What He Said!

Can we just move all the Republicans to Texas? I'm willing to pay for their health care and anything else they want as long as they stay there and leave the rest of us thinking people alone. They can be like the safari exhibits at the the theme parks, you know, in their natural habitat with the rest of their herd. We wouldn't let them out (high, electrified fence ... with a moat ... and machine gun emplacements ... and ...) but when we needed to get a dose of stupid we could take the tour and then go back to the normal world where we had single-payer health care, no 'vanity wars', and sane government.


  1. Figured ya'd like it, especially with the .50 cal included. Heh ...

  2. Oh come on now. Why in the hell would you want to push that garbage on the handful of reasonable Texans still left to fight the good fight? Makes me want to build that fence on the Rojo instead of the Bravo.

    Move them to Florida instead, and we'll kick in Rick Perry and Tom DeLay. That would be a pair to draw to.

  3. We can arrange relocation assistance for the Texans who don't want to stay. There will be all sorts of libertarian loons who will be moving there, anyway, so it might be possible to pick up a nice place in a reasonable state.

  4. A few months ago, I wrote about what might have been if the Civil War had gone differently. Sometimes, for instance when an ignorant bigot from South Carolina makes a spectacle of himself in Congress, I think the Union really lost.

  5. Cujo, if the South had won, then we wouldn't now be putting up with douchebags like Wilson He'd be a member of the Confederate parliament and he'd now spend his off hours doing what rich white Southerners traditionally did: Rape their female slaves.


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