Monday, September 14, 2009

Unclear on the Concept, Teabagging Edition

Dear Reader, this shows why I, among others, have been referring to last Saturday's protests as the "Million Moron March". (It just sounds better than "The March of Thirty Thousand or So Morons".)



  1. These folks aren't inherently stupid, and calling them "morons" is an insult to those who are truly genetically "morons" (i.e. the mentally retarded). That's why I call them morans -- people who deliberately choose to be ignorant tools.

    And yeah, I get flashbacks to Kornbluth. The Marching Morans. LOL!

    - Badtux the Non-moranic Penguin

  2. These folks aren't inherently stupid, and calling them "morons" is an insult to those who are truly genetically "morons" (i.e. the mentally retarded).

    I disagree. The use of the word "moron" as a medical diagnosis of the level of retardation (along with "idiot" and "imbecile") fell out of use decades ago. All three words are not medically significant, they are only used in the context in which I used the word "moron": as an insult.

    Those loyal Fox viewers probably fall more into the range of being imbeciles, but "Million Moron March" just rolls off the tongue a lot nicer.

  3. Since we are members of the reality based community, shouldn't we be using the more accurate and diminishing "The March of Thirty Thousand or So Morons"? As good as it sounds, The Million Moran March is halfway to Drug Flameboys latest lie today.


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