Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Republican Congressman Praises Self-Identified Terrorist

California House Representative Wally Herger (R) has expressed support for right-wing terrorism. Herger was hosting a town hall meeting when citizen Bert Stead called himself a “proud right-wing terrorist.”

Herger responded, “Amen, God bless you. There is a great American.”
So this is what it has come to-- Republicans are acting as cheerleaders for terrorists.

Ah, I remember the days when someone who proclaimed that he was a "terrorist" would have been disappeared right into the brig at the Charleston Naval Weapons Station or sent to GITMO. But now, a Republican in Congress is praising a terrorist, calling him a "great American" and asking the Almighty to bless him.

I'll bet that Herger has an autographed photo of that most famous right-wing terrorist, Timothy McVeigh on his wall.

1 comment:

  1. The self-identifying as a terrorist has been happening for a while now, mostly since the DHS released that silly report about right-wing terrorism threats. I see it often as a joke.

    I wouldn't read a whole lot into it.


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