Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Aviation Factoid

The mother of the very last pilot who will fly a KC-135 Stratotanker has not yet been born.

The same thing is true, by the way for the B-52, which will still be flying in the forties and possibly may be the first military aircraft to be in service for a century.


  1. I like this quote in one of your links: "Sensors turn the crew’s cabin into a “glass cockpit,” so they can see underneath the plane."

  2. That's so the crew can see how busy the Officers' Club bar is.

  3. I worked on the B-52 from '84 - '86. They're tough birds, built well, with a lot of personality. We also had a -135 squadron at the base too. Imagine if the airlines were still flying 707s?


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