Friday, July 31, 2009

The Vampires of the Economy

While the firms which contribute nothing to the economy (other than figureing out ways to drain money from everyone else) were raking in huge bailouts from the Federal government under the "give us money or the economy's toast" plan, they were turning right around and handing out million-dollar bonuses within their firms.
At some banks last year, revenue fell to levels not seen in more than five years, but pay did not.
Let's be clear about this: Without our money to prop them up, they could not have afforded to pay those bonuses. And it should come as no surprise that the leading vampire is Goldman Sachs.

These "firms" (and they are "firms" in the same way that the Five Families are "firms") set up variations of Ponzi schemes to loot the economy. Compared to Goldman Sachs and the rest of those goniffs, Bernie Madoff was a piker who was running a game of three card monte in a back alley behind some dive bar.

Those firms need to be dismantled before they complete their destruction of our economy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you!

    Now, to get a few others on board.



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