Friday, July 17, 2009

Full-Bore, Batshit Republican Racism

No, I'm not talking about Pat Buchanan's meltdown last night. I am referring to the speech on the floor of the House of Representatives by a noted Thuglican, Congressman Todd Tiahrt of Kansas, whose argument against abortion was to ask what would have happened if two notable Americans' mothers had aborted them.

The two Americans this jackass chose to highlight as candidates for abortion, if it had been legal when their mothers were pregnant, were President Barack Obama and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

If you think it was a coincidence, just sheer-assed luck, that Tiahrt selected two prominent African-Americans as his hypotheticals for "what if they were aborted", then maybe you'll also believe that Dick Cheney is a true patriot, that George W. Bush was the smartest president since Thomas Jefferson, that there is prime Florida swampland waterfront property for sale and such a deal I have for you!

1 comment:

  1. i guess they needed to take the pressure off Bachmann

    how can ONE congress have so many frigging lunatics


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