Friday, July 3, 2009

Another Big Whopper From the DBP

The DBP and the National Security Agency are continuing with their plan to examine and analyze every bit of traffic across the Internet. They say that they will "respect privacy and civil liberties."

Right. Just the same way that the NSA did when they were listening into phone calls and passing around the recordings of soldiers having smutty phone sex with their girlfriends and wives. Just the same way that they did when they were passing information on what reporters were talking about to the Bush Administration. Just the same way that, when the law required the NSA to get a warrant before wiretapping and intercepting e-mails, they didn't do so.

But the Obama Administration, who certainly should know better, is going forward with a plan to once again have the NSA screen all e-mails and traffic on the Internet without a warrant. The NSA says that they "are not interested in the content of e-mails", but maybe someone can explain to me just how they can look for "malicious code" in an e-mail without examining the content of the e-mail.

So once again, the old rule applies: Never ever put anything into an e-mail that you would not want to see printed on a billboard in your home town.

Or maybe, just maybe, we all ought to start using public-private key cryptography for our e-mails.

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