Thursday, June 18, 2009

Another Reason to Eat at a Real Italian Restaurant, Rather Than at a Fake One Like the Olive Garden

Besides the fact that you are paying a lot of money for mass-manufactured pasta freshly unloaded from the Sysco Food Service truck, that is. The Olive Garden is joining the Wingnut outrage against David Letterman:
Following a week of back and forth between CBS late night comic David Letterman and Sarah Palin over a crude joke he told about the Alaska Republican governor’s daughter, the Olive Garden restaurant says it is canceling all of its scheduled ads on Letterman’s “Late Show” for the rest of the year.

In an email to a Letterman critic obtained by POLITICO, a spokeswoman for the Italian restaurant chain wrote that “there will be no more Olive Garden ads scheduled for ‘The Late Show’ with David Letterman in this year's broadcast schedule,” citing the talk show host’s “inappropriate comments.”
Olive Garden, the faux Italian restaurant of the Wingnuts.

1 comment:

  1. Olive Garden is claiming that they did not pull the ads but it was a decision made months ago. I wonder what the truth is.


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