Friday, May 15, 2009

Wow. Color Me "Surprised."

Earlier this month, four "security contractors" shot up a car in Kabul, Afghanistan, wounding two civilians. The "contractors" were off duty and were drinking at the time.

Now here is the real non-shocker: They worked for Blackwater (or one of the shell companies that Blackwater is using to disguise themselves).

Blackwater fired the four "contractors" for "failure to follow standards and regulations", which I take to mean that (a) they shot too few people, and (b) they didn't kill any of those that they shot.

Also, I just love how CNN uses the word "accident", as if what happened was a fender-bender in heavy traffic.

1 comment:

  1. What I've heard about Blackwater's fun in Iraq has infuriated me. Honorable & professional soldiers doing their jobs had their effect nullified in an instant by overpaid yahoos with guns. Makes me sick - I hope they are well prosecuted, preferably by the Iraqis.

    Did you see the youtube video of some contractors riding around in a Humvee? Boom box blaring, laughing, shooting up random vehicles behind them. Must be a lot of that happening we never hear about.


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