Monday, May 4, 2009

One Difference Between Pakistan and the US

The Taliban has moved to within 60 miles of Pakistan's capitol, Islamabad. For some reason, the Pakistani Army is either unwilling or unable to take on the Taliban. One might suppose, probably with some justification, that the Army of Pakistan has a lot of Taliban sympathizers within its ranks.

Americans showed no such squeamishness 150 years ago.

Second, one has to wonder this: If the reluctance of the Pakistani Army to fight the Taliban is because they are of the same religion, the Indians have thrown away a good tactic for conquering Pakistan: All they had to do is have their own army proclaim that they have converted to Islam and then they could have waltzed into Pakistan without firing a shot.

Pakistan is being invaded and it is being invaded and devoured by a monster of its own creation. They clearly have no clue what to do; where residents initially fought off the Taliban, the government failed to support those residents and the Taliban ultimately prevailed. The politicians in Pakistan bicker, the Army has closed its eyes and the country is falling to the Taliban.

None of which bodes well for any chances of achieving stability in Afghanistan.


  1. With a nuked-up Pakistan, none of this bodes well for India...or Israel, or the entire region...

  2. pakistan is the monster bush created.


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