Monday, December 1, 2008

The Needle on the Surprise-O-Meter Doesn't Even Twitch off the Peg

Not at news that the Bush Administration received clear warnings three years ago that a meltdown of the mortgage market was going to happen.

And they did not do a fucking thing about it.

Not a goddamned thing.

I'll say one thing for George W. Bush: We'd have to elect a drooling imbecile who would start a nuclear war before he is at any risk of losing his title of "Worst President in American History." That is a title he will, in all likelihood, hold for as long as there is a United States of America.


  1. I don't care what historians say about the other lousy presidents--Bush is hands down the worst in history.
    It's impossible to name one good thing he did for the country.
    I think the only human being who could possibly do worse would be Sarah Palin. Her conceit alone eclipses his. And she might even be dumber that him because I think she actually believes all that Pentocostal nonsense.

  2. Herbert Hoover merely led the U.S. into a depression. He didn't lead the U.S. into a depression *and* manage to lose not one, but *two* wars at the same time, like Dear Chimperor has...

    - Badtux the Fact-spoutin' Penguin


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