Friday, November 21, 2008

Fuck. I Am Old.

JFK was shot 45 years ago tomorrow.

I feel so fucking old.


  1. My sister and I were home that day playing hookie.
    We were watching "General Hospital" when they interrupted it to bring us a special bulletin.
    When my parents got home we all huddled together and cried.
    Mom and Dad had seen JFK the day before when his motorcade passed by in San Antonio.
    I still hate Dallas.

  2. Getting old is NOT for wimps. I was at work at the Connecticut State Health Department when it was announced. One of my colleagues went out and got a shot of whiskey. Bad times. Very bad times.

  3. Pass the Geritol.

    I was three years old and to this day I can still remember watching his funeral procession and asking my Grandmother why there was a horse with a pair of empty boots facing backwards in the stirrups.

  4. You, too? I went back to my classroom after lunch, our "class" then was some sort of science lecture on television. Except of course, it wasn't. The whole school was in tears, our teachers loaded us on buses and sent us home. I told my mom JFK was dead and she slapped me for being a wicked liar. Fourth best teacher ever, and the worst event of my life to that point.


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