Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Why the Bones of the GOP Need to Be Ground Into a Fine Powder

This is why:

The people who came up with that, and who approved of that and who cheered that all need to be dragged through the streets behind teams of horses suffering from diarrhea.

But since turnaround is fair play, let us take a look at the entertainment for a night-time McCain-Palin rally:

Maybe that seems an inflammatory response. Tough. McCain and Palin have made the decision to appeal to the darkest impulses of the electorate. I have no problem with saying that I regard them as two of the most evil racist politicians on the national state since the days of George Wallace, Lester Maddox and Richard Nixon.

(H/T to Balloon Juice)


  1. totally agreed

    and i LOATHE joe scarborough who keeps harping on ayers

    palin is a complete racist


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