Friday, May 2, 2008

Sink Cat

humorous pictures

My black cat, George, would do just that if the bathroom sink was larger. I had an apartment before that had a larger sink and it was very common to find George curled up in it and sound asleep.

When he was rescued, he was maybe a week old and weighed all of 4 ounces. He had an open cut in one flank and it was infested with maggots. So he spent a lot of time in the bathroom sink, getting the wound rinsed out with water and hydrogen peroxide.

He turns 12 this year.


  1. I love this! Poor baby, though, when he was little.

  2. He had a tough time, no doubt. He's my first cat, he has a real bent shitcan attitude, he'll poop on the floor if anything displeases him and I love him.

  3. He does indeed. When he feels like it. Sometimes he demands attention, sometimes I'll pet him and it takes a minute for him to decide to purr.


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