Thursday, May 1, 2008

Incompetent Fucktards; DHS Edition

So it seems that the "Land of the Formerly Free and Home of the So Frightened We Routinely Piss Our Pants" has Nelson Mandela on the Terrorist Watch List.

You might have heard of him. First Black president of South Africa, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 and all of that? Reichfuhrer Skeletor DHS Secretary Chertoff finds it "troubling." Secretary of State Rice complains that her department has to issue waivers every time President Mandela visits the U.S.

Neither one of those fucking idiots seem to be able to do anything about it. They are reduced to wringing their hands and whimpering at their own powerlessness.

Well, we can do something about it on November 4th.

(H/T to HuffPo)

1 comment:

  1. the real question -- who is a bigger blathering idiot

    chertoff or rice-a-roni


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