Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Aerial Terror Threat

The idea is that the terrorists are going to come into this country, buy crop-dusting helicopters and load up the spray tanks with chemical or biological agents. Then the terrorists will fly those crop-dusters up to big buildings, hover near the intakes for the air conditioning systems and spray the CBW agents into the intakes. The terrorists would fly from one building to another, like some huge poison-dispensing bumblebee.

That probably sounds like a bad cable movie plot that is too cheesy even for Fox to produce. Even the Scifi Channel wouldn't touch it for one of their Saturday "most dangerous night on television" movies. But that is what the Department of Rodina Homeland Security and the FBI came up with a few years ago.

This is no shit. Your tax dollars at work.

(H/T to Schneier on Security)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad there's smart folks on this problem, folks with a solid handle on how practical it would be to fly a helicopter in and around tall building...surreptitiously at that.
    Thank God for these men.


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