Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Circular Firing Squad Shoots On

Clinton apparently has won Pennsylvania by 6%.

Which is not the big double-digit win she needed to make the case that she is the more electable candidate, but is enough so that she can continue to puff away at her opium pipe and pretend that she still has a chance of winning the nomination.

Which, unless the Sun goes nova, she doesn't. It is becoming clear as time goes on that her Plan B is to destroy the Democrats' chances of winning in `08 and to position herself for another run in `12. I do not think it is an accident that I am starting to hear people, who have thought for years that Bush is a moron, say that McCain is starting to look pretty good to them.

Fat chance of her getting a shot in `12. For that to happen, the rest of us are going to have to have massive strokes in order to forget her perfidy. And that just isn't going to happen.

UPDATE: 9.2%, which is a far cry from her 20+% lead a month ago. Obama leads in the delegate count and in the overall popular vote.

The circular firing squad has to reload.

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