Wednesday, March 26, 2008

War, the TV Series

(I'm doing this from memory, so if I miss a few shows, oh, well)

World War 2 spawned a lot of TV shows, including: 12 O'Clock High, Combat, Rat Patrol, Mr. Roberts, McHale's Navy, Hogan's Heros, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Danger UXB, Piece of Cake, and some miniseries such as Holocaust, the Winds of War and its sequel War and Remembrance.

As far as I recall, only one series came out of the Korean War: MASH.

Vietnam had two: Tour of Duty and China Beach. Both went off the air in the early `90s and nothing I know of has been tried since then.

Iraq has had one show, I think: Over There. It tanked for obvious reasons ("hey kids, let's watch a TV show about the war we just saw on the news!").

I suspect that it will be a very long time before someone tries to do another dramatic television series about this war-- sometime between "decades" and "Hell freezes over." About the only things that might gain an audience would be the post-war war crimes trials of folks like John Yoo or Douglas Feith.


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