Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Difference Between UCLA Medical Center and the FBI

The difference is that at the UCLA Medical Center, if you abuse the privacy of patients, your ass gets fired. At the FBI, they just say that "we're not as abusive as we used to be" and Congress just pats them on their heads.

As far as I know, at the FBI, nobody has been fired, let alone verbally upbraided, for abusing the National Security Letters. On the other hand, UCLA is firing 13 people and disciplining another dozen, for poking around Britney Spears's medical records.

This is where I should also point out that Bush's stance of "Telecom Immunity or Death" is all about covering his ass from the outrage that will engulf and fry his sorry ass if it ever becomes public knowledge how much AT&T and Verizon gave to his goons without a warrant. But you should know all that by now.

1 comment:

  1. I read that several doctors who were not involved in her treatment also took a peek at her records. None of them are being punished. But I take your point.


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