Friday, March 21, 2008

Clinton's Own Preacher Problem

Read this and this.

This is why we have a First Amendment, so groups like that, with the connivance of politicians like Senators Brownback and Clinton, don't get to ram their beliefs down our gullets.

What grips me is how perverted they all are. I'm not a theologian, but I am not sure that I ever read anything about Jesus being the sort of prophet who would be comfortable with the idea of aligning himself with regimes that practiced torture and who send death squads out to kill their political opponents. I'm not sure about the part where Jesus would be coming down all on cutting taxes for the rich and making the lives of poor people immeasurably harder.

All you adherents to "rapture theology," who are avid followers of the "left behind" series, had better think about this: If Jesus returns, he may be more interested in first cleaning up his own house before he worries about us non-Christians. Those of you who use the words of Christ to justify bigotry, hatred, aggression, murder and greed may have to deal with a rather wrathful god.

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