Saturday, October 27, 2007

San Diego Fires and Katrina

Some random thoughts:

FEMA claims it faked a press conference in order to "get information out." Guys, you do that by issuing press releases, not faking press conferences. You earned the Royal Order of the Chowderhead by even considering such a moronic idea. How could you not anticipate how badly this would be received once the story broke?

The Bush Defenders and Kool-Aid Drinkers are touting the Chimpy Administration's response to the San Diego fires as the anti-Katrina. Let's do a quick comparison of the numbers, shall we:

San Diego Fires: 1,500 homes destroyed.

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: 300,000 homes destroyed (probably more).

That's like comparing a mild bump on the head to a coma. It'd be like a baseball player, having screwed up in the majors, touting his performance at a game of t-ball.

You might also note that there has been very little discussion of "should we rebuild in those locations" after two serious fires in three years. As opposed to, say, the folks arguing against rebuilding New Orleans.

Feel free to speculate on the reasons why.

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